"It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life."

About Contacts Machinery, Inc.

Contacts Machinery, Inc. is a company with significant experience in the woodworking machinery industry throughout North America, having almost 30 years of experience serving the North American woodworking industry.

Our Mission

Over the years, we noted that, although there are many companies across North America selling used woodworking machinery, the process of selling and purchasing pre-owned machinery is generally not easy or personal. The mission of Contacts Machinery is to treat those who place their confidence in us with the utmost importance.

Our Database & Reach

We possess a large database with the names of thousands of woodworking companies, representing all facets of our industry. Our database receives between 7 and 10 thousand unique visits per month by potential clients from across North America and even offshore. When looking for a machine, in addition to our own extensive list of available units, we have access to a huge base of other machines available throughout North America.

Contact Us

We invite you to contact us regarding any pre-owned machinery that you wish to purchase or sell. Please contact us by phone or email. You are as important to our success as we are confident we will be to yours.

Tiffany Schippel

President - Contacts Machinery, Inc.